The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The View: Season 9, The Brief and Terrible Reign of Hannah

It's the baffling time that comes in every marriage. I say, "I'm nothing without you." Mamie says, "I want to spend more time on my fly-fishing." Suddenly, the distance is about more than state lines. She's very calm, while I try every tactic in the book to keep her until I'm hurling myself on the ground and sobbing.

We've decided on 6 weeks. As in, you should all tune back in then. There's a REASON, Mamie, that we did a joint-blog. I'm going to be like Tom Hanks in Castaway talking to a soccer ball and performing my own dental work. Omg, and OUR PICTURE of the two of us will be THERE, on the mantle piece of our blog, looking tragic. SIX WEEKS and not a day longer. Until then, I'll continue to do what I do best: exploiting the children and covering AWParty in New York!!

I may also get as maudlin as possible to coax Mamie back into the game earlier. Talk about my feelings without a trace of irony or sarcasm. Ooo, speaking of which, the best thing my therapist (otherwise known as the person who keeps me from wandering around with a shopping cart and leash with no dog) said the other day was that sarcasm was just anger with clothes on...


JaySlacks said...

Hey, I'll guest blog. I could be fun. I could be the Anti-Maime, talking about how silly women are and how working out makes me depressed and how Starbucks coffee tastes like burnt roaches...

Mamie said...

jarvis. seriously. stop spelling my name wrong. it takes "anti-maime" to another level.

go have one on me at pcj, where the baristas are snarky and the flies are abundant, even in january.

maybe my debut post will be about how OVERT and SILLY the male's insecurity around strong women is...


eric said...

Let's narrow that generalization down to one male: Jarvis. Leave the rest of us out it.

Didn't Stevie want to be a guest blogger? Give it to her. A little Alaskan perspective would be nice. Not that I don’t think Hannah can do it alone, but the title does say ‘girls' and we all know what a pain in the ass it is to change that.

eric said...

Oh and if it's true thatsarcasm was just anger with clothes on then I am dresses more layers than I can count. :-/

wrdcreater said...


hannah said...

jarv, you make me nervous talking about blogging on here. part of me's like, "Sure! Come on up!" and the other part is like, 'It's a traaaaap!! What is it he'll SAY??'

wrdcreater said...

I vote for the new blog team to be: Hannah and Wilson(obv. Hannah's alter ego). You know, it is like librarian by day, and Cat Woman by night...sort of. Although, there will be a lot more writing involved, and it may be difficult to switch your persona. You might get up and type in the morning getting stuck in the wrong character all day, and if that character is a volleyball you may have a hard time making it through your day. Easy to go down the hills, but impossible to go back up; plus the glass, nails, gutters, cars, animals, and anything else that could pop you or gobble you up.

Also, if you are not careful your alter ego may try and completely take over like in The Dark Half.