The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Mimosa!

In honor of my roommate’s birthday, a post. Most of you know her, but Mot Znuk suggested I hide her behind Mimosa, which I can’t resist.
For those of you who don’t know, Mimosa is gorgeous in that way that is almost unsettling. In Mot Znuk’s words: she’s so radiant and clean.

Story One: It’s Sunday morning and I’m coming home at 730 from a friend’s because I was too drunk to drive.
Except, I’m clearly still drunk and my hair is offensive and I’m holding my shoes. Mimosa is on the couch in a pink dress reading the Bible, radiant and clean. She takes it all in stride, which one of the reasons I love her: ‘Hi honey, how was your night?’ Say movies, say sleepover, say… “I got drunk,” I tell her and my bra falls out of my purse.

Story Two: Last night, we’re making grilled cheese sandwiches and listening to Bird. She’s telling me about how she’s been drinking fresh goat’s milk smuggled in by the Amish (seriously).
‘But it’s not as bad as smuggling in pot,’ she says.
‘What’s wrong with pot?’ I ask, flipping my sandwich.
‘Wait… Hannah, have you ever smoked pot?’
‘Um. A little.’
She takes a step closer to me, hesitates. ‘Hannah, I’d like to try smoking pot with you.’

She is, by the way, the absolute best roommate/person/woman in existence. And she knows I would do anything for her, including eating the yoghurt cheese with live culture. Happy birthday Mimosa! I’d tell you here that I love you, except it’s against Mamie’s rules—will tell you later.


Anonymous said...

you guys sound perfect. grilled cheese, jazz, etc. i'll be over this weekend.

Anonymous said...

i am watching you, hannah. I saw you take 2 of my hot dogs today with your devil friend.

Anonymous said...

james hetfield is not the devil--i don't even think he wants to be.

and by the way, we went to an involvement carnival. we went to an involvement carnival and pretended to love god in order to get hot dogs. twice.

JaySlacks said...

Wait. I'm confused. I thought a mimosa was a drink.

Anonymous said...

it's CODE jarv. geeez.

also, do you think one day you'll get sick of video games? :)

Erin Seabolt Bond said...

Uh oh, don't we all know who your roomie is? Mimosa exposed! Shocking!