The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

what annoys me other than hannah: a post in 5 tangos

1. the bumper sticker on the back of this F-6,750 truck, or whatever they're called: a man without a knife isn't much of a man at all. his W sticker doesn't so much bother me, seeing as how i am now immune to them.

2. portion control a and b:

a) my trainer (merry like the christmas, you might remember her) decided i should also see a nutritionist. nutritionist suggests i bring snacks to work! ones that might fulfill me in lieu of, you know, slabs of mahon cheese on chibatta bread. CRAISONS! she says. AND SMALL ZIP-LOCS FILLED WITH CASHEWS! PERHAPS SOME RAW CARROTS!!! this, before she tells me i can't drink diet coke. as some of you know, my fear of commitment is coupled with a total lack of respect for authority. i immediately drive at top speed to a jack-in-the-box for a jumbo soda.

b) the new wine bar that i love, in spite of the twenty dollar glass of wine, has a wonderful atmosphere. great view. fabulous range of wines (averaging in price 7-10 dollars...not the 18-46 you might expect). only, their food is miniature. like it should be in morgan's dollhouse.

reminds me of that sedaris essay where their meal in all comes to be about 3 ounces. when the server suggests dessert, sedaris sarcastically rubs his belly, says, "i just couldn't."

3. okay, fine. hannah. she's such a woman. she demands you react to her in a way she deems suitable. so today she says, "i have a garbage chute in my new place." keep in mind, while she's bestowing the good word, i'm opening my mail: the new box of checks with some incorrect address, a rejection letter from a shitty journal. i say, "really?" and she actually yells, "REACT!!! REACT, WOMAN!"

4. status updates on social networks. i feel inclined to partake in them and yet, does the pubic really care that you: just ate a hardee's biscuit, are mad at your girlfriend, are sore from running 6 miles, wish h. clinton would. just. stop (although, i rather like that one), or are SO EXCITED ABOUT THE WEEKEND. question mark.

5. george. he's quit smoking. i'm so nervous about this. i come into work in a dress today and he yells, "is it picture day?" the last time i wore a skirt he asked if i was a) applying for another job that day or b) hoping to see george clooney.


hannah said...

it's chute. this is just like that moment in When Harry Met Sally: is one of us supposed to be a dog in this scenario?

it's 2am. why am i up.

eric said...

I'm a big fan of the 'Status Update.' How else am I to keep up with people that I never see or talk to? For example, so-and-so was in a poetry workshop with me 8 years ago and the only way we communicated was leaving comments on each other’s poems like, ‘nice detail. I can really see that airplane clock on the wall with your description.’ But now. Thanks to SU, I know that so-and-so is or has been at some point: ready for beer!!!, is what she is, open of business, in Peru, getting sentenced Wednesday, working all day today or being attacked by Goblins!!!! Thank you SU.

hannah said...

omg. i choked a little on my diet coke when i read "ready for beer"

also, i can't believe you got comments. i got stick figure drawings from bill with 'horse flower' or 'blahblob' written over them.

Anonymous said...

Going to try not to be offended considering the last thing I twittered was, and I quote, "WOOHOO! It's Friday. It's hot outside. And this weekend is going to kick serious ass. Now I just have to get through the next 8 hrs..." That being said, I only twittered that so that the one about nekkidness would go away.

Please don't ever stop drinking diet coke.

sallylynn said...

i got christmas wreaths from chris mcsween and doodles from bill on any of my kinda-horrible writings whenever christmas rolled around. or any holiday.

this is why i could never twitter: fear. fear of being seen as anything less than: serious. SO serious. about everything. ALWAYS.

granted, this makes me a less interesting human being. see also: this comment. see also: i am not in peru, getting sentenced, working right now, or being attacked by goblins. gratitude for small things, i suppose. tho i'd like to be in peru...

T. said...

I just slapped simona with a restraining order after she threw an orange gummy bear at me. i mean, facebook does keep us in touch with what's important about communication.