The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Monday, April 14, 2008

we have so much in common that doesn't matter.

more. i know. more.

1. hannah just realized i haven't read tim o'brien's the things they carried. not even the short story that bears the same name. it sent her into a total tail spin. i seriously think she's pacing right now, wondering how she should best handle the situation.

on the phone she says, "i guess i should take the wine out of the freezer," to which i respond with, "WE'RE TOTALLY THE SAME PERSON!" because i, too, left a bottle of whitehaven in the freezer overnight.

then, i say, "undergrad promised to get a haircut today, but when i came home he hadn't and was, instead, wearing a baseball uniform." backstory: he's growing his hair out and, as hannah put it, the back's partying harder than the front. and he used to have this cool faux hawk thing. no matter.

so i say, "i mean, i like him just the way he is."

hannah: you don't mean that, do you?

me: yeah. like the line from bridget jones.

hannah: oh, i don't feel that way about anyone. like you, i wish you would be kinder and more generous to me with your money.

2. my students had prom this weekend. so today, they tell me that one received a 1300 dollar laptop as a DOOR PRIZE. or something like that. then they say, "and so-and-so got a wii. and a zoom. and a stereo." i have no idea why they received booty for dancing to M.I.A. and being great kids in general. but then, then someone says, "and two people got GPS systems." okay, these kids don't drive. it's a BOARDING SCHOOL, people.

i tell hannah this a she says, calmly, "it's like when l'il bow wow bought all those cars when he was, like, twelve." which is something i would say.

3. okay, so i read this joyce carol oates story a few years back about a woman who becomes pregnant with twins by different fathers. hannah and i have been arguing about this for days: it's not possible for that to actually happen, right?

4. also, also tonight at the gym i left the treadmill to go make an appointment at the front desk. i left my JACKET on the TV screen/monitor thing, my towel on the arm, and my earphones in some nook. when i returned, a man had begun walking on the treadmill. hadn't touched a thing. just saw the jacket, etc. and proceeded to hop on. when i passive agressively went to remove the jacket, he HELPED me retrieve the other stuff. so i passive aggressively moved all of it to the treadmill right next to his and settled in for 106 & park.


Unknown said...

the context: cats actually CAN be impregnated by more than one male. as we believe may have happened with maus, who's been jumped by 2 male cats now (they broke into the screened-in porch). she's probably going to have 15 kittens.

and i can't believe, mamie, that you left out my rock solid logic: the egg sac is not split due to the presence of a new, you know.

Unknown said...

oh, i was trying to be tactful. but now mamie insists none of you will know what i'm talking about.

'you know'=penis

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was SUPER confused by what "you know" could have possibly meant./sarcasm

Although - let's be honest here - "you know" could've referred to anything from peanut butter to tampons, I still would've thought you were talking about a penis.

Mamie said...

gross, dais. gross. and by "gross" i don't mean "penis."

Anonymous said...

We should be paid & filmed by Martin Scorsese for our dancing to M.I.A.