The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


oh oh oh. and then there’s this. walking to the park the other day, we pass a house that looks like it's hosting a yard sale. or a circus. the kids and i are tired, sweaty, because the park is not around the corner (as i’ve told them), but fifty miles away. a woman comes tearing towards us, screams: ARE YOU READY??! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?! we stare at her. she’s not even looking at me, but shouting things like, YEAH, ALRIGHT! at the children. she whisks us to the backyard. i think she’s the pushiest yardsaleswoman i’ve ever seen. am trying to stifle my indignation and politely back us all out.

then. i realize two things: we’re on a movie set. and i’m somehow wearing two skirts. they think the children are the two mini-actors they’ve been waiting for, and i’m thinking i clearly put another skirt on over the other without taking the other off.

they want the children. even after i explain there’s a mistake. they want them even after we leave. they come running after saying it’s perfect anyhow, they NEED Spanish kids especially. from Indonesia? even better! we swap information. me and the 3 producers. they give me dvds, cards, websites. they’re legit, a sincere and eager squad funded by the dept of education. they’ve called to follow up. they've called to ask if we could do it on monday morning (no, dept of education, it's a school day). they've called again for a complete schedule. we’re going to be rich and famous. i’m going to be a way better manager than jessica simpson's dad. i'm going to be the best showbiz mom ever.


eric said...

I'm going to need a pay raise once all that dough starts rolling in. I AM the driver, you know.

hannah said...

totally. will make sure the children have tip cards the next time i call in a ferry-them-here-and-there favor :)

Mamie said...

joe simpson finally admitted, today, that ashlee had a nose job. it's like the year anniversary since...
i don't know what i'm saying anymore.

hannah said...

they KEEP calling. i just got a new msg from them. we might do it. health insurance, baby. (omg. i sound nuts.)

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eric said...
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hat said...

wow. what are the possibilities, if they did it? will they get to do ballerinas and spiderman with classical music?