The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

dear mamie

what are you doing to the blog? it now says off to the side that the people blogging are: mamie and hannahandmamie. why does it always have to be two parts you, one part me??? we need a balance. we need to work together. it's cold here in your shadow, i never have sunlight on my face...


Anonymous said...

listen, jackass. i did what you told me to do. i accepted that i was a writer via gmail. so, basically you asked for it to be two parts me.

eric said...

Cat fight?!?!??!

eric said...

Btw, the link to accidental southern belle doesn't work. FIX IT! MOOOVE!

eric said...


penelope said...

you fixed it! yay!
hope we didn't sweat you too much.