The Battlefield Where the Girls Say I Love You

That's just the thing: we will never tell you we love you. In fact, we're here only to hold hands across state lines and yell at the world. We're here to try to touch you across this chasm of flown things. Not even that. At most, I will teach you how to make a gin smoothie when there's nothing left in the house. Hannah can teach you several languages and what to do when your car breaks up with you. Thanks for coming out.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

excerpt from my dad's latest letter... sorry mames, i'm turning the blog into a crisis hotline

Sunday, 2907/15:15

Hi Hannah,

Got the kids booked Phuket-Bkk Fri., 7th sept. at 21:00 going over with me. United all the way to RDU on the 8th. Will send the full itineary tomorrow. Sending pocket money $60 with them. They will give you an ATM card that you can use there for the necessary food, clothing & sitter money.


Welp, looks like this is happening. Thanks to those friends who are already saying and doing life-saving things. Yesterday was a bit of a scream, so I'm grateful as hell. We'll see how I do--don't think there'll be much leisurely blogging time soon. But if nothing else, Auntie Mamie can report on the funny, the mishaps, the disasters. I'll be keeping two small humans alive. You know, making sure they brush their teeth, eat, get debugged, etc. All kidding aside, I LOVE them (sorry to use the L) word and while I'm terrified, I also know I can do this. I think :)

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